
We recently made some important changes to the Buffer API in regards to Twitter content in order to comply with their 2019 Developer Policy. Please visit our Changelog page for more details!

The Buffer API provides access to user’s pending and sent updates, social media profiles, scheduled times and more.

To get started, create an app and get an access token for a user.


All currently available endpoints are listed in this documentation. If you have ideas for further things you would like to see in the Buffer API, please contact hello@buffer.com - we might build them!

But be sure to set the HTTP Content-Type header to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" for your requests if you are writing your own client.

Rate Limits

The Buffer API is rate limited to 60 authenticated requests per user per minute. If you make more than 60 requests within a 60 seconds window period, you will receive a HTTP code 429 response.

If you have a need for a higher rate limit, please get in touch so that we can try and help out.

Response Formats

All requests to the Buffer API must end with the desired response format. Currently the only available response format is JSON and responses are of type application/json.

For well formatted JSON output, add &pretty=true to any request. Very useful for testing in the browser!

Example Request

GET https://api.bufferapp.com/1/profiles.json?pretty=true

Questions & Problems

If you have any issues using the Buffer API you can contact us by emailing hello@buffer.com or give us a shout over on twitter @buffer - we’ll get back to you fast!